You’ve tried everything and your child is still struggling. There is a way to help them.
By Susan Leckband
January 2, 2025
It is inspiring to watch a group of youth playing sports together. Everyone knows the rules, and each member of the team contributes to the competition in their own way. Some are good batters. Some are good fielders. At least one of them can pitch. Of course, there are always some who are good at almost every position and a few who are noticeably weaker players, but everyone gets a chance to contribute meaningfully to the competition and they all have fun doing it – from the strongest to the weakest.
Unfortunately, when it comes to learning, those differences that make a strong team can seem like barriers. Not everyone learns the same, and sometimes those differences are big enough that the “standard methods” don’t seem to work.
At Help Elevate Learning Processing (HELP), our unique, personalized program of coaching and practice enables youth and adults to overcome those “learning challenges” when nothing else has worked for them. Our students gain the skills and the confidence to be successful.
Who comes to us, and what are the outcomes?
Consider Cynthia. She was 11 when she came to HELP. She and her two sisters were homeschooled. Her sisters were high academic achievers and fluent in multiple languages. However, while obviously intelligent and verbal, Cynthia struggled to learn the alphabet, let alone read or do basic math. After 8 months in the program, she was reading basic age-appropriate books. This gave her the start that she needed, and she continued her reading journey from there.
Randal was 13 when he was diagnosed with Dyslexia. He worked hard at his school assignments, but was extremely frustrated and defeated by his inability to see gains from the effort that he put in. After the 24-session program, he regained his confidence, was reading middle school level books and getting good grades.
Jayna is a twice-exceptional child. When she was 10, her mother had a real surprise in the mail. Two letters came from the school. One said that Jayna would be in the gifted-and-talented program, while the other told her that Jayna was not passing the 3rd grade because of exceptionally poor reading and writing skills. Dyslexic kids are often brilliant, but struggle with reading and writing. Jayna continued to struggle with school, and her frustration and anger grew. Her parents tried every type of tutoring and special programs that they could find, but there was never a sustained success. When Jayna finally came to HELP, she had a second grade reading level and incredible anger. It took 12 months of hard work, but she became a voracious reader, overcame her anger, and found the confidence to lead others.
“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it.” – Muhammad Ali
If your child is struggling with school, there is another way. Our personalized, one-on-one coaching program brings real results that you and your child can see in school and in life. There is hope.
For any inquiries, please contact:
Susan Leckband