Our 40th Anniversary Dinner and Auction raised over $4000! Thank you, Donors!

Click here to view our video explaining how HELP's Brain Power Program can change your life!
We Change The Way You Learn!
For over 37 years, HELP has offered successful, drug-free treatment for children and adults with learning problems through affordable, personalized instruction.
HELP is an acronym for "Help Elevate Learning Processing"
HELP For Children and Adults
Do you have a child who is smart but struggles with school work?
Did your child’s last report card contain comments such as: “not trying,” “doesn’t pay attention,” “easily distracted”, “not working up to potential”, or “fails to turn in assignments” (sometimes even when completed)?
Failure in schoolwork is a common symptom of deeper but correctable processing problems.
Parents who have tried everything agree that discipline, bribes, tutoring, and even drugs don’t always work.
HELP is a non-medical approach that gets to the root of the problem, eliminating the difficult efforts needed to cope with the symptoms.
HELP’s unique approach actually changes the way our students process information in a fun and caring environment.
If you or your child is challenged by:
- Poor self-esteem
- Difficulty with concentration
- Sensory processing issues
- School (focus, restlessness)
- Dyslexia
- Learning challenges
- Spatial awareness
- Auditory Processing Disorder
- Struggles with math concepts
- Central Processing Disorder
- Ineffective time management
- Time/test stress
- Short attention span
- Poor comprehension
- Reading issues
- Behavioral problems
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Communication
- Slow processing speed
- Executive functioning issues
- Following directions
- Lack of organization
Adults: It's Never Too Late
Adults with focus, time management, learning, and processing difficulties know that without treatment these problems will never go away. They can only get worse. The challenges experienced in childhood can resurface as an adult in the workplace, at home and in relationships. Problems with following directions, remembering, and sequencing information can be even more debilitating for adults. You’re never too old to get the HELP you need.
If what you’ve tried isn’t working, call HELP!
We Change The Way You Learn!